my heart is stuck in the hands of someone not worthy of holding such a fragile part of me.
it has been broken, crushed between their fingers, yet i still let them carry the pieces because i dont have the strength to do it on my own anymore.
being alone for so long is so tiring that even the filthiest hands look as though they were designed to carry diamonds.
the need the want the urge to spread all the love that has been building up inside me grows so strong that it blurs any sense of good judgement i may have.
i gave all of my love to someone that my mind knew would only hurt me in the end, but my heart still yearned for.
after a while, they got tired of my love. they moved onto their next victim and did all the same things i fell in love with to someone that wasnt me.
their collection of hearts continuously grows larger and larger. eventually, their hands are full of broken pieces.
i cant tell which are mine anymore. and i will never get those pieces of myself back.