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Aug 2018
I prayed for you and God delivered.
I heard the meaning of your name and my body shivered.
As is if the ******* on your chest didn't make me quiver
Your beautiful smile got me bewildered.

I prayed for you and God delivered
The girl with a heart of gold within her.
As if we're newbies on the block acting like beginners.
There are nights when we eat eachother for dinner.

I prayed for you and God delivered.
There you were afraid of getting thinner.
As if thicker or thinner you still ain't a winner.
I won't hesitate to put my **** right up in ya.

I prayed for you and God delivered
Pumping iron to strengthen the inner mental.
Squashed by all the inner metal, our love looked like withered petals
But now we're back together
we deserve our ******* medals.
The biggest comeback in history we've been scoring them relationship goals.

I prayed for you and God delivered.
I always see you in my mental pictures
As if I I'm actually really chillin witcha
I can't believe we met only this year.

I prayed when I took a breather
At the time I wasn't a believer
But now I can truly receive her
By walking away from deceivers.

I made this poem from the deeper
Depths of my heart that only whisper.
As if honesty honestly honours thee
It doesn't get much better than hours can be.

There were times when you may have doubted me.
But Our love is as true as truth can be.
There's nothing right now that means more to me
than the look on your face when you look at me.

I prayed for you and got delivered,
to this utopia called LOVE pre-winter.
With kisses and hugs we littered
Through ditches and RIDGES we glittered.

I prayed for you and God delivered
To us, a gift called love.
There's no greater gift from above
I love you. I love you, MY LOVE.
She's my ex now.
Lion Chaser
Written by
Lion Chaser  21/M/Pretoria, South Africa
(21/M/Pretoria, South Africa)   
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