There was a party The ****, the lion, the sparrow, the hen, the deer, the bear and the elephant. All gathered at the **** house to celebrate with his birthday .The **** asked them to sing a song. The elephant says: you are the best You don't make the worst You wake the people early To do their works fairly You don't go away You keep your eggs Till they become hens The deer says: I am beautiful My eyes are bagful I see you more helpful You wake the farmer early To go to the farm and work happily You are the best you are the lovely The Sparrow says: we all wake early Before the sun comes morning And say to the living As we say the day going And the sun comes dawning Salute the prince of waking The fox says: I can mock every one And you can't mocked easily I go to see the best one You are him fairly I love you calling Till the creature feeling the peace safely The war is not her surly The lion says: I am the king of the jungle I govern the jungle with fair No one can do unfair He will be punished surly You must greet the majesty The prince of waking early I wear you the crown of ordinary All the crowds shout and say We must celebrate We must make a feast We have to salute the prince Dearest the hero of peace You woke up only the beast on the earth If you go east or west You hair him saying cocococoo