Where are the saints? Where are the Holy men? Where are the ones without wanting?
So filled with the unceasing Love of God They have both His feast and festival All the time?
Forehead kissing the ground In humble surrender to that which could never be claimed as “mine” or “yours” but Lives in the land of Beyond in Graces eternal belonging.
Who forfeit it all to the ungraspable, unstoppable, uncontrollable Roaring of the Absolute Unborn Cosmic Form of Love, that so desires your salvation He destroys you completely so that you may Know Him in Truth and not imagination.
Where are the ones, Who knocked at the door of their own Heart, and who don’t know whether they were let in, or He was Let out
the ones who have been captured by the Keeper of All Love who have heard Him whisper inside of them, softly, in the stillness of their Lotus Heart - singing - I am yours and you are mine - Leaving behind the question “who’s voice was that? And surrendering their mind and all Brahmas creation at His feet Finally to roll down the hill laughing as the spark of eternity within dances to a tune that comes from everywhere all at once
Where are the ones so filled with divine rapture, they have entered the Placeless Place of no return and emerged - now - completely submerged - can think of nothing but Him!
The ones who know that we are fed by the sweet Doer of all in our Fasting and when He offers us Dessert! Never taking credit for the Love he offers through us.
The ones who live without shame and let their heart go naked into the Radiant river of love
Where are the ones who’s minds surrendered and hearts thoroughly emptied and plowed have left the land of desire unmet, of tug of war with pleasure and pain, who know the grace of receiving an answer to the defiant longing for the Lord that will take NOTHING less than Him, who have cried the tears that touch Gods heart, and in anguish sung out for MotherFather a sound that echoed so deep within they felt the Holy waking....
who know - through Grace - the Love that is Divine.