Muscles ache, Exhaustion sets in My head is in a bit of a spin What is this Gym, where people partake? I thought you said Gin for goodness sake!
Kettle bells, weight machines, deadman lifts Grin and bare it, lift, lift, lift! Treadmills, rowing machines, standing bikes Keep going 30 secs on, 15 secs off is what we like!
Muscle men and woman showing their skills Pushing heavy weights just for thrills
My Person Trainer is one of the best Until it comes to putting me to the test Then i dont like him very much He keeps me going when i just want to give up
However he knows my goals And i trust he will get me there So for the moment i grin and bare
I will keep going to the Gym And of course partake in the ocassional Gin :)
Me this evening, i have a PT and hes great at making me keep going when all i want to do is.give up. I have big dreams for 2021 and he will get me there. In the meantime i will keep going Gym and enjoying Gin :)