She's already saved me from myself By being my alternate path Away from destroying the self Towards forgiveness of my self-wrath.
She's the voice I always ignored It was a voice no one would speak Sought to put my neck to the sword She was strength the times I was weak.
How often will she pull me back? I keep leading her to the brink. My fears have me under attack But she doesn't care what I think.
My poor judgment speaks its dissent "I'm not worth the man you expect!" With patience she sees my intent And I change to earn her respect.
Such love feels so undeserving From depth where my broken heart bleeds, Her depth of love is unnerving But I'll be the man that she needs.
Ode to my very patient partner whom I love and would change for. On Instagram @insightshurt Blogging at Buy "Insights Hurt: Bringing Healing Thoughts To Life" at