The drums' pounding sounds echo deep in my chest rattling my rib cage a new heart beat is found. I surge with the crowd dealing with the push and pull like it was the ocean. Well we were on Ocean Avenue So it sort of was. People are being held above the surging waters like boats floating on treacherous seas. One boat emerges from the depths behind me One that I did not see. The next thing I knew the head of the boat had hit me connecting with the back of my head. I turned around quickly and pushed the boat along, but by then the damage was already done. I sang and danced to every song Unaware until later of my new concussion.
I'm putting my "Forgotten Vow(el)s" series on hold as I am now concussed. I was at a punk rock concert, seeing bands such as Against Me and the Bouncing Souls. A girl was lifted up behind me, and started to fall onto me, hitting the back of my head with her head and that did it. This is my second concussion and I'm very annoyed to have gotten another one. So if you are going to punk rock shows, be aware of the risks mates. But also, go to punk rock shows because they are a blast. Also I'm realizing now I could have said surfers instead of boats (bc crowd surfers lol), have I mentioned I'm concussed? Also please excuse any obvious mistakes for obvious reasons.