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Jul 2018
Where are you now, not where you said
Are you with her now, thoughts cloud my head
Why don't you call, you said you would
Is it her you dial, when it's clearly me you should
Are you lying next to her, spent from love made
Is she in your arms, where many others have laid
In that place you said was only mine, another broken promise made
You've left me here cut by your lies, without so much as a bandaid
How is it so easy for you to tell these lies, the ones told to so many before me
Why did you choose me to do this to, more importantly why did I not flee
First signs are easy to explain away, but the truth has been so clear for so long
I was trying so hard, to make right out of someone so plainly wrong
I knew in the end, you would take all there was to take
Leaving behind without a care, a mess of broken hearts in your wake
On to the next group of lives to destroy, without a backward glance
Such a seasoned con man, they'll hardly stand a chance
Lies are what you bathe in each day, before descending upon your prey
Looking for your next opportunity, to further you on your way
You're a liar and a con artist, taking from each latched upon soul
It doesn't matter to you, how very young or how old
You have no moral compass, to show you right from wrong
It's like a second nature to you, you've been doing this so long
Liar, cheater, *******, douchbag, pathetic, worthless, *****
All names for you rooted in truth, that's why they'll always stick
Leisa Battaglia
Written by
Leisa Battaglia  44/F/Louisiana
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