I lay here watching Which layers are spinning... And what direction? My mind dissects the clouds Like a fog being burned by sunlight... During the late morning.
This pattern above me Rather pleasing... yet confusing... I'm on the right, I find it yielding left...
There's designs I can't name Animals I can make... Yet they all run away as I move And the clouds spin trails... Watching them evolve Like a lifelong time lapse.
The drawn up moisture.... The streams of steam condensed... Swirled and forged into cotton-like pillows of uncertainty. The colors are the Indicators of moods The light and mysterious White and normal Green and envious of the oncoming destruction Black and gray depicting ends of sunshine filled days...
The life underneath grows, quivers, and in series of decays... Some offer condensed clouds as flavored swirls in mugs... But I rather watch the ones that love Carrying wind and rain... Have swirls of their own and a Name.
Though subject of objections The will of nature has a forge... To churn this stream of water around Like spun sugars of cotton candy. Much like a carnival, life is a surprise An unyielding wild ride.
Directions are unclear If i will be here I have watched the life of The swirl in this giant mug Smack the coastlines with giant hugs... Some rough love...
Though oddity Have you seen what clouds can do When spun around oak trees?
I am a Hurricane Hugo [1989] survivor. I enjoy weather and thunderstorms. Once I dreamt of being a meteorologist. There used to be a 100 year old oak tree outside my bedroom window. During the eye of the storm we notice the tree was turned. In fact you could see the disruption in the earth... as roots were twisted around and almost braided. The tree was uprooted and twisted like a tick... And survived for years after that storm. By far... the most interesting tree story I have.