I couldn't swim but I took a chance on you I dipped my toes in the water until I was emerged but it wasn't with water it was with love Your love The only love that I will ever hold so closely and dearly to my heart I didn't know your worth until I casted it off into the ocean hoping it would drift back like a bottle with a message inside I waited not very long not as long as I once thought I would Once again you emerged I desperately grabbed onto the thought of you with no regret in sight...as if I was drowning and you were the air my lungs had been searching for I no longer needed to hold my breath being afraid that that was the last air my lungs would ever get I breathe easier now with the thought of you lingering along You somehow snuck in replenishing my heart with love I forgot how love felt I forgot how to feel about it You showed me I closed my eyes holding on to you with every last piece of sanity I had left I was broken glass You put me back together piece by piece frivolously with no regard of yourself For that you will always be my current, my future, my everything And our forever.