Peace a pressure release. When troubles seem not to cease it becomes imperative that you find your inner peace.
Even if you have to consult a priest for peace is like the golden fleece. Peace will stop your continual fleeing and promote wellbeing, it's all freeing
Putting you back on course, for it's an excellent resource. Peace goes beyond measure, it's an invaluable treasure.
Whereas, we are quick to ignore good instruction while being easily lured into the world's seductive, suduction and find ourselves on the path to imminent destruction.
Then your path looks distance and distorted, with life making you so mad you feel you want to abort it. Still you fight your way clear to the junction, instead of relief, there awaits disorder, dysfunction.
But before you have a malfunction at the junction, seek your inner peace, it's increase in health, in wealth and it will align body, soul and mind.
All worries will cease through peace. So why isn't this a press release?