Upon (die) re rhea ding previous poem All In The Name Of "Progress" zen a glaring, leering, and twittering left par wren dared to a right (i.e. bribe) corrective punctuation measure slyly slipping Special Ops symbol ")" for so many yen,
thus see slipped thru my excellent proof reading, when lo and behold consternation, inconsideration, and perturbation I thought to take a page from playbook of Sylvia Plath, and stick my head in the oven but lo, a sardine recipe
(though a bit fishy), could be found necessitating cauldron only available for purchase in Turin thus donned with a shrouded cape, aye didst make whoosh, hence, went there and came back and frankly tubby earnest, thence began stir'n
a bubbling concoction brew though duration for perfect consistency aye lacked any clue thus, needed to contact Hannibal the cannibal asper what to do in order (I explained) to sever livingsocial,
and forever hang my head in shame cuz, accidentally omitting one right parenthesis too few hence, esteemed flawless glory, (sans error free grammarian reputation pitched downward where careless evinced Kamikaze nosedive, where
matter of fact gross humiliation instantaneously grew and the only viable option forced me to hew admitting to egregious, fatuous, abhorent and readily confesses compunction viz, grievously blatant Anglo Saxon
Horrifying transgression involving backward curved "C" sin bent a most execrable, incorrigible, and unforgivable literary faux pas incurring major cosmic event stripped of title special Das Scribe double bubble "A" gent!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Upon complying never to err again Matthew Scott Harris since accepted plea bargain accepting sentence resting his chin til indelible necklaced "U" lettered grin forever visible to kith and kin.