She was happy So it seemed, But really She was not.
At first, It was just A little **** To ease the pain And maybe feel numb For a few hours, But after a while It wasn't enough.
Her mother beat Her while she slept. She says she's only here For her mother's sister Because she's only a baby. Too fragile to know what This world really is.
She pops a few of them pills To feel numb again. Thinking maybe this will be enough But it won't.
Her father tells her He doesn't care What she does As long as her grades are up. You're supposed to care Because you're her dad And dad's are supposed to be There for their children.
It wasn't enough. She tried something new And it's too much. She falls to the ground And she's seizing. There's blood on the floor, Dead flowers too!
She says she's only here For her mother's sister. Because she's only a baby, Too fragile to know how This world really is.
Her mother's sister is safe now. She says, She's no longer needed here. She wants to leave.
She goes to get help But it doesn't help. She comes home And she's at it again. She tells her cousin To stay home, She doesn't want to see her. She comes anyways.
You see she had a plan To try again, But she didn't.
She said she needed Help again. It's been a few weeks, And I hope She's getting better now.