Ice upon bare skin Limbs bond by silk sashes Helpless and unable to breathe The pressure of the air caused by your very demons are like weight upon your breast. As skin touches skin As the atmosphere becomes gradually more tense as the two of them merge As the heat of your body is disturbed by my cold touch as well as fragments of ice that navigate you as ships do the sea Aimlessly wondering in places they should not go Then your body truly begins to mirror the ocean. The once conservative flower which oozed nectar has become a waterfall Overflowing, nonstop Your eyes that were once filled with curiosity, excitement and innocence are now the very embodiment of intimacy, they are indulgent and filled with lust A mind that races A body that spasms uncontrollably A voice that beckons because the soul is overwhelmed by such sensations Is the sweetest music that echoes within an empty room