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Jun 2018
You’re too young for social media so this serves as journal
A small reminder letting you know my love is eternal
I don’t know at what age you’ll read this
But whenever you do, I hope you feel this

At this point in time we’re re not as comfortable as I would like
A major reason why I’m gone on most nights
At some point in time, I hope that will change
I'll be ****** if I miss a single stage

Celebrate all your birthdays, you deserve it!
But always remember, on that day your mother was hurting
Your birthday should always be a celebration of two
The day you arrived, is the day your mother birthed you

I pray that you remain such a caring soul
Remain that ray of sunshine in a world so cold
Never let anyone take your joy
And however old you are, you’re still my boy

Happy Birthday Son!
Birthday letter to me son
Desroy Reece
Written by
Desroy Reece  28/M/Barbados
   Shadow Dragon
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