as a good-hearted crazy boy as I am I can be fixed only by a woman on the last gear of speed like a herd of mustangs in gallop to the abyss or to eternity
a woman who dedicates me poems of hate in which I'm the last provincial old man the princess can fall in love with but actually the joy is shaking whitin any time she feels me arround
a woman dressed only in swords of Toledo who can sing on a sword like Mariza making me climb on the walls like on the Chinese Wall on the moon
a woman that resists any melalcoholical drubbing on rithmes of sirtaki with Zorba the Greek with her heart blowned out of her mind carelessly throwned like underwear through the room
a long-time woman to lead my way and night in sleep and life in death and my god in all its demons of beauty with the most innocent baby smile
a woman that on the last outpost of her ****** like a wild goddess will laugh and explode the night as if as if ordering the happiest end of the world
This is a love statement and will be considered as it is. I walked the worst moments through my life alone. I do'nt need anyone. If youre in my life is because I value your presence and I want you there. like a turbo truck on the road.