what do you call that hurt you feel that is less than a heartbreak? you know the one that you can't categorize as heart wrecking pain but still makes you want to rip your heart out?
the one that makes your heart hurt just enough so that you can still carry on with your daily life but still enough to keep you up at night
it's like a cut that will not make you bleed but will still leave a scar it will scar and remind you of someone
someone who showed interest someone who caught you off guard someone who made your heart flutter
someone who keeps you up at night thinking about the endless what ifs
what if you had given it more time?
would the cut be deep enough to bleed?
060418 i havent been here for a long time. hi there. i wrote this yesterday, minutes before midnight. i had the worst headache plus my sinuses(?) were failing me. despite all that,, these thoughts were the ones that kept me up. i havent written anything for so long, this isnt something im proud of.
these are just my raw thoughts and questions. i didn't know what to do with them, so i just wrote them down my notepad and brought them here in the hopes that maybe you too can relate. so here it is, this is for anyone who is hurting but still functioning bc the wound wasn't deep enough.
the wound didn't need time to grieve or heal or move on. it's just there like a mosquito bite that you scratched.