Y ante la bondad del mal, nos encontraremos. Y ante la maldad del bien, cabalgaremos. Y de la piel de nuestros caballos muertos saldrán mudas hormigas, que centellearán al anochecer entre los destellos de mi cuerpo que se pudre. Y ante la bondad del mal, moriremos. Unidos para siempre en un abrazo finito como finas son las hojas sobre las que escribo.
Y ante la bondad del mal nos encontraremos. Preparados para morir, si no ya muertos. Y sólo entonces nos comprenderemos. Y sólo entonces centellearán nuestras bocas como las hormigas que salen de la piel de nuestros caballos muertos
And before the goodness of evil, we'll find each other. And before the evilness of good, We'll ride. And from the skin of our dead horses mute ants will come out, which will glisten at sunset among the flashes of my body that rottens. And before the goodness of evil, we'll die. Forever joined in a finite hug, like fine are the sheets on which I write.
And before the goodness of evil we'll find each other, ready to die, if not dead already. And only then we'll understand each other. And only then will our mouths glisten, like the ants that come out from the skin of our dead horses.
(So I'm from Spain, I write mostly in Spanish although I do occasionally do it in English. I like this poem of mine a lot and I tend to use it as presentation for my poetry. I send the original version first and my best shot at a translation after that.)