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Jun 2018
My guild is my own, and for that i must atone.
For no man or woman can heal the wounds inflicted on ones own.

I accepted my demise and so prayed to the Lord, as we all would do when faith is the only thing holding us ,through and tbrough, to this crooked world we see as our own.
We could never dispell the sins we have commited, for my self am a sinners who is now commited to guild and sorrow, on my own...

I long for the days to end and bring me a better tomorrow, and now i sit here and cry, wondering why my life felt so empty, it was i myself who dug my own hole, and pushed my self in to the cold, never to get hurt again, not knowing the pain that soon would follow and now i am here in this pit,
Of my own guild and sorrow.....
i was feeling a bit down so i wrote from what my heart was feeling.
Iljano lepelblad
Written by
Iljano lepelblad  32/M/Greece
   JL Smith
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