her entrance was full of beautiful blue-hued stars filled with the nuance of a touch of romance inspired by her i make clear announcements to my heart that this daughter of moonlight treads the path to my dreams alone scatters pages of rose scented poems along my veins to the point of creations fire even her tears spent for me are gracious and kindness
after her entrance blue stars settle on the bare floor in exquisite patterns that flavor the minds meal that lends its rich texture and sensations to the bodies temple she lay in repose like a field of summer wheat swaying in the cool breeze she lay in the folds of my blankets like the queen of hearts a luscious liquid in her every move softly she speaks every embracing word that cools your heated brow comforts your beating heart she knows just what to say to ease you she knows just how to weave you
beneath her entrance her barefoot leavings are a track that have led many to their unwitting tale of woe where from a great distance can they with longing and tender expressions put to page placed ever so delicately into envelopes headed for the mythical west coast the land of palms and glitz forever summer in the land of golden statues
after her entrance i have within my grasp a poem of her a poem of her moment a rich tapestry that is woven into the fabric of her Paris fashion catalogue where she is a French princess in prints 8"x10" glossy