staring at a window a distance of two inches away the world outside falling... piece by piece by piece buys pieces buys peace by pieces it pierces please------ all i have in silence in hushes your flushes pierces... one two three then your smile, all that is left... no longer pleases... like puzzles they scattered all in pieces so hard to place together yet so **** hard to supress i hate it. if she loves me yet she loves me not can't seem to fit. i place in all the moments one by one bit by bit altogether infinitely tirelessly in repeat. every single smile serene in capture even the tone of her song caught in record every flicker of her hair in my mind just like a screenshot and even the blink of her eyes each individual dot... she loves me? she loves me not? the flashes in and out staring at the window only two inches away... listening closely------ she loves me? or she loves me not? the outside world like a breathtaking blossom bald of petals... falling piece by piece.
TORPE (Filipino slang terminology)----- the foolish process of supressing your feelings for someone because of fear