Growing up, girls always pictured themselves having a perfect boyfriend. Someone they can be so proud of and be comfortable with, no matter what the circumstances are. Did you picture this as well?
Do you believe that we are supposed to be with one person for the rest of our lives?
Let me answer the last question...
Nothing is permanent.
We tried so hard with the illusion of permanence. We forgot we need to fall inlove with each other everyday. We end up taking advantage of the comfortable feeling we have.
Those days where we talked to each other almost the whole day The never ending fun, though somehow nonsense conversation we have All those stories we have shared to each other The planned getaways, the corny jokes, the dramas, the fights, the obstacles that we have to endure to be together And all the laughters we have Remember those? Because I can't forget those.
If this is really the end, Here's my advice for you Live for yourself. Believe in yourself You're a very strong woman I wouldn't regret that you became my girl I hope you find someone who can make you as happy as i made you when we were deep inlove And maybe or just maybe We can reconnect in the future and i can make you just as happy as the first day you've known me
So, dear my future ex girlfriend The odds of us breaking up is 50:50 and, i hope that you will never have to read this. But if you do, I want you to know that I'll always love you.