today i realized that it might not matter how hard i try. i might not be able to fix myself. i don't know how to connect. everything and everyone gives me anxiety and bores me and confuses me and i don't know what type of interactions and words to select HAGSDJUSKRVYEURSYBEISEVBRKHVFDJHJ
sitting on the corner of depot and main and i'm staring into the forehead of a bleach tan middle ager with a plaid shirt that looks like easter died. im good except i thought summer was like a door with an exit sign but i forgot it's not always greener at the end of the ride
are there ends to these rides? the speed fluctuates faster than i'd like sometimes, i don't know how to adapt to anything, really.
coping is hard i'll give them that much. no one to call. no one inside me feeling like trying at all.
i always rhyme by the end of these spreading wings at the end of it all but i was never too good with estimates and fast we fall