on your left you'll see whats left behind the unburnt lungs and unsound mind on your right you'll spot a cliche scene grovelling by the anthill's queen. up ahead we're blocked by some debris left in tact by king's decree the driver's blind but this holds true: the only way around is through. so seatbelts on and hands in prayer hope your God can get me there. (a man jumps off the second floor then crawls back through the roadside door begging to be welcomed back as if he never lead the pack.) there's not one stranger in these seats but swallowed by the hungry streets do not inhale the asphalt breath lest we're gifted our first death. last stop is The Royal Us you'll never leave this tour bus.
...this has been your tour guide at least i can say that i tried.
about where i think i'm going in life and a friend who pressed a symbolic button and regretted it in the morning