When was the first time A tear was shed by a LOVER?
That was the very tear That tried to wipe out Hate, dislike, indifference, violence But dried out instead
That one drop of tear Watered your historic Dried tree of LOVE To blossoms flower again
In this changing world The only thing that does not change is The true LOVE of a LOVER
A true LOVER May be killed by a kind human And An evil human Can become a true LOVER
And there is the desire To be with Beloved without being To touch the Beloved without touching The desire to embrace And hope of receiving a smile No words come out But hearts and SOUL unite
Keep ajar the windows of mind So that the evil smell of thoughts Are left out In the times of LOVE
Let there seep in your heart "Love's rights" slogans...
I hear some voices I recede in my hole And ready myself to howl In the longing of my beloved