Long time not sharing The hussle of life glaring Outshining my needs Breeding boredom until My eyes sore Forget to see the Magic Worse yet My hands forget to share The specks of joy Staring at me in the face Replaced by the sorrow vision Displaced by the daily mission Brushing my dreams aside Gliding its way to the top priority Where all else comes first But my poetry Has been asleep awhile I try to express but the words Are lost in this busy depression Where I do not have time to feel End of day reeling questions in mind Like why and who am I again? And again And again Yet I refrain from rhetorics For the answers I find come out in rage Page after page I could tear and burn From all the frustration I feel as I work But today I will tear through the darkness Harness it so I can love regardless Of the pain in living as human The truth is that I carry love For all of you who share this truth and I want you to know what it means To me When I gaze upon your soliloquies They save me Long time not caring it seems So I will set the record straight: Thank you for sharing and reading My poetry mates Zani will love you always
Not enough hours in the day, week, month or year. Hear me when I tell you how dear you are to me! Blessings to you poets ❤