She dyed her hair violet and blonde; a shade of maroon waves through her lips pouting with her head bent low
Wondering how can this be? And her eyes batter with their lashes, they flatter
She looks on longingly Waiting for the day she returns home.
She picks up the phone her only source of company searching through her sea of friends and she sees their faces
She sighs and wonders How can this be?
She awaits the day she returns home patiently sitting there like the beauty she is created to be
What a sight to behold though I have yet to know her name
I look on, patiently still waiting for my train to arrive at my stop waiting for when I can go home.
So I was on the commuter train on the way home and there was this gorgeous lady sitting right across me. I didn't have the guts to say anything to her, so out of admiration I wrote this.