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Apr 2018
you don't see it
                            (you don't see me)
your eyes are new
and your spirit is still fresh
           i'm a dangerous idea
           wrapped up in flesh and blood
           i wait for you to notice
           to notice i'm not the kind who
                                 can give you love

it kills me to know that someday soon

                                   i'll be the first one
                        to teach you that people
         are as hard and cold as the earth
       beneath your tender, trusting feet

that expired promises
don't keep

you changed me
me, with my steel skin
                      (young heart)
and stone gaze
you wonder why i pull away
                                (look your way)
you wonder why you say you love me
and why i never say
                   (the same)

you killed me
you, the first one to teach me that
when angels finally fly your way
there's no reason they can't fade
                    into a passing glance
                           (an agonizing)
                              into the eyes of
        a once-too-familiar stranger
       (the other half of myself)
Written back when emotions were still fresh. Now, I exist as a statue.
Zita Nonie Hasenkamp
Written by
Zita Nonie Hasenkamp  18/Non-binary/Arizona, US
(18/Non-binary/Arizona, US)   
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