read the dispatch thrice; the hierarchical lines some straight and some dotted but all I know they got a genealogical baseball team femi-nine and maybe an NFL eleven when the twins get older
(husbands and sons ride the motorcycle bench and back up if necessary, and good for musical accompaniment)
~oh yeah, for Medusa~
this megillah message team meant for me to assauge my mother hubbard accusations only partial reveals the player’s names: but if you google a gaggle of strong women you become informed there is a:
Queens Esther, Miriam, an Eve, four matriarchal outfielders, Batsheva pitching and only Ruth, can catch her **** curveball
in between an occasional poem gig whose costs are covered under the mental health clause of a health care plan but only in California
too cavalier, get it, you prefer this perhaps
sinewed strength in arms that can carry three children at once, age is not a factual issue, for there is an army of women soldiers who are a troop contingent, everyone’s back is covered always-full stop- they curve like the Earth’s crust, magma formed strong and mineral rich, curved to better resist the comets the heavens cannot resist to send & test the mettle of a gaggle of stronger women sinewy arms entwined reenforced
the grandpa must here resist and rest, lunch prep before Sgt. Stubby movie at noon, in reclining chairs they ride like wild horses and all our shushing noisier than their giggles just google a gaggle of strong kids, you’ll see what I mean in this, we do possess a giggle of expertise