Me, I'd love to go Take me anywhere Take me anywhere but here Coz I flicker between these Two locations Can you let me exist somewhere else Give me the excuse I need To get away Screams, Turn them into music Silence Into white noise Anything's better Coz solitude's only so great In the same place every time So give me places Places I can know And love Give me scenes I can memorise And let become part of me Coz I've got these two locations I flicker between them These two states of mind I flicker between them I'm asleep Or I'm running Give me another place In my mind and In the world Sister, take me Ride our pink and blue bikes Any manner of places Coz you know the city back-to-front And me, I flicker But when you take me I've got something new And I've got another state of mind Coz stress can become excitement Coz running can become dancing Coz sleeping can become laughing If you know how If you know where And if you stop yourself From flickering Between two worlds That just Feel The same.