Jade is very lucky man a man people treat with value a man people will **** for A man people cherish A man with everyhtig anyone could wish for, A man of value, life, happiness. A man people will do anything to get Jade is a very unlucky man A man with no life. A man of no understanding of life a simple stone a man that has no experience of life A proud man who just waits for people to fight for it A man who indirectly kills A man with no thoughts or imagination for he is treated like a god Jade is created by humans, nourished by humans and destroyed by human What an unlucky man jade is However, jade has a very undemanding life he does not have to obey any human being it is not obliged to any human free, easy and peaceful. Jade is a man that is lucky Jade is a man that is unlucky Jade is a man with an undemanding life because it has no breathe like that of a man