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Mar 2018
3/27/2018 - 2:27am
It’s tough, you know.
When it’s 2am,
and you’ve
to try and get some sleep.
Then, your fear comes
in this giant wave
like you’re the shore
it’s crashing into.
It’s tough,
when you’re out shopping
for house necessities
and, your chest is
so tight,
and your hands
are trembling
because, anxiety
is so *******
and you have to
act like you’re totally
okay every time
you walk past
another human being
acting like
they’re totally okay.
None of us
are ever totally okay.
All of us
struggle in
personal battles
worse than others,
but for all,
it’s tough.

Alexandria Rose
Written by
Alexandria Rose  20/F/New Bedford, MA
(20/F/New Bedford, MA)   
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