I spent years running from you Now I'm running to you In the heat of the night you gave me hope I remember that night It was your grace that stayed my blade It was your love that kept my heart beating I was sick of what I had become I felt so ***** I knew that if I ****** that blade that I would meet you But that wasn't my time I knew you had a purpose for me You brought me through that fight You calmed the storms You taught me to keep my eyes on you and not on those waves Those wives looked so big You reminded me of the size of your grace You reminded me of what I was born to do I wanted to end it all so much I didn't want to live I didn't want your grace Then you called me out You offered me a place You gave me a home I felt so worthless I felt so hopeless And you stepped in and made me feel hopeful Worthy Something You made me remember what it was like not to feel pain You are my God You are my King And one day I will meet you Face to Face