Is it bad that change myself to conform with society? That I’ve changed so much I’ve forgotten the real me? Sure, society is changing But I want to be the REAL me NOW. Not to sound bratty or whiney, But it’s been long enough of people hiding behind false smiles And fake laughter Of people hiding behind a persona they make for themselves We want to be who we want now. When’s it going to happen? When can I walk into school Without fear of being bullied for what I wear When can I walk the streets Without fear of being ***** When can I walk into a room Without judging stares When will any of this happen? Is it bad I’ve created a false image of myself? That I fear being judged so much That I changed everything about myself, That I can’t remember what the real me looks like I used to be a sweet, somewhat girly kid. Now, I dress like a boy So not to get others attention, I intimidate the **** out of others So not to get bullied for being small, I don’t show feeling, So not to be judged for being weak. I just want to be the real me, Just once in my life without fear Of what others will say.
Yeah, just something I wrote when I was feeling especially depressed. Oh well, I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading.