Walking along the beach, a lone surfer prepares for his battle with the Atlantic ocean. Waves, thick and heavy from bitter cold and climate change.
A rush of momentary fear and oxygen courses densely through his veins as he paddles out to the 9 foot walls swelling with tremendous energy and power and crashing overhead, the surfer searches for solace in the silence beneath the wave.
Blasts of slushy water numb his face, rejoicing at the crispness of outside air reminding him how it feels to be alive in the moment, patiently positioning himself to catch that one, perfect wave.
His body numb from freezing salt water seeping into his wetsuit sends shivers forcing every ounce of energy to the forefront as the zenith of his performance comes with thick, frothy wave charging behind him.
He drops in to the face of the mountain of water chasing him through the thumping tube, pumping through the barrel, gaining speed for his exit, he shoots through the gap and coasts to shore.
Never looking back, always forward with smile wide, heart full, body drained and temporary enlightenment, he ponders "it was another successful surf session," as he drives off toward the setting summer sun.
dedicated to the brave surfers shredding blizzard conditions in the middle of winter