Letters by letter by letter These thoughts and emotions Pour from my head to my heart, Through my veins.
They reach my fingertips, Tapping eagerly on the side of my laptop But then I hear it, What if it sounds stupid? What if no one cares what you have to say?
Her voice, no, my voice, Doubtful, hurting, scared. But the thoughts keep pumping my fingers violently throb
It all happens like a blur, I have to get these words out Or everything will explode Into a dizzy array of sparkling light
So I type and I type and I type I type till my fingers go numb And my eyes are glazed over And it doesn't hurt to breathe anymore.
And despite her many warnings, When I click 'save', She quietens down And anxiety doesn't hold me back.
One of the few times where she quietens down, at least for a moment.