I aged a small number of hours, none the worse since posting about Daylight Savings Time, a radiant playful verse
teasingly succeeded against being terse, a cogent tangential thread, where passage of "time" ranks front and center
this central theme constitutes cultish obsession with vibrant youthfulness as if senescence a crime imposed (at birth) on every purse
son, thus a healthy and prominant grow wing (nee bursting out all over) market and cottage industries didst swing into high gear (make that overdrive)
addressing telomeres shortcomings justifies tamper ring with chromosomal genes to sustain bug eyed sales figures,
asper amazing grace full spy king scales into the stratosphere, with cosmetic surgeons *** ping where, (particularly among baby boomer generation)
appear younger looking than offspring (albeit, whereat either gender undergoing bust ting bosoms and tightening tushies) to foster said tune, where billions of dollars
come into play, I haint joe king this feeding frenzy removing without a trace (of surgeon's needle) unsightly wrinkles, stretch marks, blemishes, et cetera (over a life time) fulfilling vanity
in the name of eternal quest to dupe biology paying mega bucks postponing twilight/ evening years not yielding to depredations when dotage a stark reminder what natural aging doth bring
superficial (skin deep) transformations, which cannot reboot major organs allowing elderly to rock with van halen again, since primary maximal apex
i.e. post adolescence/ early adulthood marked urban boisterous antics, the tacitly accepted behavior, that would appear down right foolish
as if elders played kick the can if chronologically old geezers let Mother Nature rightfully round up steering committee gently rowing rickety ship of lovely bones dutifully paying (chump change) to the bargeman.