I'm not in the mood to write a ******* poem that rhymes. Sorry, I'm in a bad mood. Like my life is insignificant and it doesn't matter to anyone unless of course it would make them look good. And very clearly now I am able to see that this is true considering you just waltz in and ruin everything I have built from the ground ******* up. When did your presence become a wrecking ball tearing up the halls and drowning art away? My ******* art. And why is fair that no one cares about anything anymore? Yes roses are red and violets are blue but so are you and I am too so why fill us up with lies that eventually make us want to die? Don't ruin my world because yours is falling apart just let me go as not to crush my heart you walk away from the mess you made and expect me to clean it up? No. You always told me that you didn't like poems that didn't rhyme. Like they were wrong or broken. And now I realize that you treated me like what you wanted me to be and that is not who I am. I do not rhyme. I'm sorry.