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Mar 2018
sock fights across the living room
on a tuesday afternoon
with the whole world ahead of us.

tea cups piled on the bedside table
on a monday morning
with the alarm blaring and your face blurred above me.

late-night movies in the bitter cold
on a friday night
with the promise of take-out noodles and warmth if we could get home without frostbite.

and it's at moments like this that i realise
you are everything to me.
every balled-up sock,
every cup of tea,
every ****** b-side movie
is an extension of our love.

i adore you.
Anna Coopey
Written by
Anna Coopey  17/Gender Fluid
(17/Gender Fluid)   
       lavendersky, ---, L B, n stiles carmona, valerie and 8 others
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