We're so caught up in the world's rituals its saddening We wake up every morning and groan about our jobs and lives yet we don't do anything to change it We follow the double consciousness of social norms and self thoughts We keep our true selves hidden We present what's "acceptable" We live two faced
Anything that is not considered normal is unorthodox and therefore denied Anything that is not considered beneficial to the society should not be brought up at all Anything that is change and not following conventional practices is heretical and sinful
We're too focused on whats normal good acceptable perfect However, should an immoral desire stem from this freedom we're all doomed We should all expand the normal ground for all people If not we should create haven for those considered abnormal All talk and no action Unacceptable
No matter where you go remember one thing "It is not society that determines people’s future. It is people who determine society’s future"
"It is not society that determines people’s future. It is people who determine society’s future"- ****** Pass