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Feb 2018
Neverland is home for lost boys
Boys who are young at heart
Lost from reality
Family no matter what

Neverland is magical
So much pixie dust it’s enticing
Faith, trust, and pixie dust is key

Neverland is where time will pass no more
We'll dance and talk like little kids
We celebrate late into the magical night
Imagination and absurdity is embraced

Neverland is full of adventures
Where mermaids swim and pirates fight
Run through the jungle laughing
We poke fun at Captain Hook
Play fight with sticks

Neverland is paradise
Where we follow and ensure that the everlasting imagination is forever
Maturity and structure is taken away
Absurdity and imagination is embraced

Neverland is…
"The second star to the right and straight on till morning!"
(My first poem on here, feel free to give nice advice)
kal lahr
Written by
kal lahr  15/F/My dreams
(15/F/My dreams)   
   Khaliyah Keedah
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