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Feb 2018
There I was trying to put some of this stuff on an SD card I bought
At radio shack .  I had 32 Gigs available.
I plugged it in my ear.
Heard a click a buzz
Then whirring.
My head felt lighter
Seemed my programs run
Quicker my hands no longer
Tapped while my eyes waited. I felt more adept agile more
Like my hard drive spun freer.
After the download of my selected prefrontal cortex
Onto that little non-volatile
Chip the system rebooted.
A message from Microsoft
Appeared saying:
"Updating operating system, do not turn off Karl"
Just then
Thunder roared every animal in the house huddled up to me
And the power went off.
I searched everywhere
In the closets
Under sinks in boxes I hadn't seen since I moved a year ago,
I couldn't find the boot discs
For my windows 10 human
Operating system creators edition. I was condemned
To a blue screen
So don't forget
To, on your operating system,
Check the box labeled
Sync virtual you operating system backup
Or Google clouds for your synapses
Free 111
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