The first time I tried strumming strings I cried and cried I felt I couldn't get clean.
My friends tell me I need to practice; find out if I'm a harp or a horn. But as much as I tried I ended up torn.
It wasn't wrong to develop an interest, so I put myself out there, I couldn't rest. I imagined the jungle, the tundra, the sea But these different rhythms weren't for me.
I'll never forget when I met the musician. He showed me a song in his room. Finally, It washed over me! Va Va Voom
He showed me his and he showed me mine. It was new and confusing, exotic, frightening absolutely, perfectly enlightening.
I am full of bass, brass and strength! I spent too long trying to epitomize grace.
He taught me a wild, improvised tune but I can't remember! What he played that June.
If this is supposed to be natural, why do I still **** at it? Started out as a self depracating joke with a friend, but I'm kinda digging it.