I sometimes feel like... a wobbly tornado making my way what ever direction the wind blows with back and forth motion and no way of knowing how destructive the path that I am flowing
I sometimes feel like... a wave on the ocean tossed back and forth in erratic motion the salt from my tears help with my knowing how shallow or deep these days I am coping
I sometimes feel like... a cloud in the sky while on top of things some still pass me by dealing with fluff in the midst of this life amongst other stuff as I look to the sky
I sometimes feel like... the wildest of flowers in a field filled with weeds passing the hours wanting someone to come along and pull me out or take a sling blade and cut us all down
I sometimes feel like... a musician on tour I know that I'm here but at times why, I'm not sure could be any number of things between the why's and what for's but one things for sure I feel like all this and more