Love The ultimate emotion One that is over complicated by the populous "It's the hardest thing you'll ever do" "You're never sure if you do somedays" "It hurts" Neither of those are true Love is not the hardest thing Its as easy as breathing When you feel it, its finite and you don't question it Even if emotions can be a mystery to you Love is always a constant Love is not painful Its the most beautiful thing It does not harm Harmful things are sometimes claimed to be done in the name love But if they hurt, then its not love. Love is unquestionable If you feel it, you won't question it. You'll know in your gut its true. If someone says "Loving you is hard sometimes" Then odds are they don't love you as much as they claim If the love you feel only garners nothing but pain Then it may not be love after all If you are unsure you love a person, if you say "I think I do" Then you don't. Because loving someone is as easy as can be. Pretending to is hard.
Don't sell yourself short with love. It isn't as hard as you are led to believe. You always deserve the best, not subpar, with love.
For the individual looking for mood, or just a new song to rock out to: "Open Your Eyes" - The Raconteurs