in these winter days, i feel strangely nostalgic. i think about her, i do but it is with happiness in my heart and, more importantly, in my brain.
it's over, the page is flipped the world is spinning and the poets keep writing. they write about love and hate and sadness and happiness so great you feel you're floating and you'll never land but that's okay because you feel safe
and i still miss her
i miss her with my every breath i miss her with all my cells i will miss her until the end of times
and i'm happy
i'm happy when i'm sad i'm happy when memories of her flood my veins and i feel as though it will be too much and i will surely perish.
because, at the end of the day, what is happiness? it's a beautiful, unknown path to me
but i think that, perhaps, it is time to get lost on it.