Hokum, poke ‘em Fill ‘em full of lies. Hokus pokus, Tricking the unwise! Hinkum dinkum, Hear the trickster shout! Joke seen; smokescreen, Never will find out!
Two, four, six, eight Stand up and holler If you think Republican’ts Should wear a shock collar. Every time they bark a lie They get it in the neck. Maybe then the Democrats Could fix the D.C. wreck.
Olly, olly, oxen fee They’ll hang us from the Liberty Tree. Huff and puff and blow them off What a perfect thing to see. If you want to hurt them I’m sure it would be funny If every time they lie They loose most of their money.
Let’s all shout it together Neener, neener, neener! Check the Congressional ledger, The Republicrooks of today? None were ever meaner. Isn’t it time we tell them Nanny, nanny, boo boo? After all, there’s no debate They stuck us all in doodoo.