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Jan 2018
I can feel it
can you feel it too?
the possibility fills my mind
I'm not quite certain
it hasn't happened yet
but I've done the impossible
I can do it again
the excitement in my head
it's squeezing my heart
I don't think I'll properly breathe until this is over
daydreaming, fantasies
put in my head three years ago
who knew such a throwaway suggestion
would capture my mind?
eagerly awaiting an email with rocks in my stomach
I really hope this works
I've mostly floated through my life
but now
I want to take charge
possibilities make me reckless
when I'm usually so cautious
but right now I think it's alright
because for once
I'm excited
I might be able to pull it out
empty seas
Written by
empty seas  15/F/away
       may, Weeping willow, ---, Lin, Sara Leal and 1 other
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