Theres allot of things that I wanted to be lie. And theres allot of things I wanted to be the truth.
Like the day you told me. "I wont leave you" I wanted that to be true. Or When they said "everything gonna be fine" Even when they told me about the toothfairy, the easterbunny, santa or even the grinch. I wanted them to be all true.
Yet they always tell lies To somehow make us feel okay. But in the end we will realized that everything was a lie.
But I wanted allot of things to be a lie.
•Anxiety •Depression •prejudice •sadness
I wanted them to be a lie because Im tired of lying and hiding the truth.
Im tired of saying "I'm Okay" Im tired of saying "Good Morning , Day, or Night" Im tired of showing a smile that only hides whats inside.
I want a time Where my lies will be seen as lies and the truth may be seen.