You are infinitely colourful, Touching the ground in two places. Sometimes more, Sometimes less. I welled up when I saw you and climbed a mountain - I couldn't see you through the grey but I was closer You were with me My brothers, the sheep, Who knows how your colour, Your beauty, Touched their hearts, if it lingers as it does in mine. Rain and hail may erode, in time, the rainbow at the back of my mind, but they didn't on that day and they haven't since.
Yesterday the snow! On the ground crunching like a good apple Pasted on the trees like moss, Painted upon each limb, some Bob Ross Magic, white hill, white trees, Pure sun, makes even the breeze glow! Trees drop snow like the leaves of last season, little by little, and it falls to gently settle in the back of my mind with you.
Warmth and colour, the miracle of my summer, Rest and play in the back of my mind With the perfect winter's day, Never to melt or fade into grey.